Food Vendor Guidelines
2025 Food Vendor Guidelines
The Columbus Recreation and Parks Department offers a diverse range of events and experiences in downtown Columbus, Ohio. With over 40 years of history, Jazz & Rib Fest is our flagship event. This highly anticipated summertime tradition offers three days of continuous live performances while BBQ pitmasters serve up sizzling ribs, chicken and more. Admission is FREE!
Application Process
Thank you for your interest in vending at Jazz & Rib Fest. All food vendors wishing to participate must first complete an application. Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance.
Application Deadline
First consideration will be given to applications submitted by Monday, March 3, 2025, at 5 p.m. EST. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and notification of acceptance or nonacceptance will be sent by email to all applicants. Incomplete applications may not be accepted. Once the application is submitted, NO changes may be made without contacting Event Management.
Selection Process for Vendors
Jazz & Rib Fest will select vendors based upon the following criteria.
- Completed application
- Vendor history
- Menu offerings
- Vending experience
- Ability to serve thousands of patrons in outdoor weather
- Appearance of overall set-up
- Space availability
Jazz & Rib Fest reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any vendor for inclusion in the festival, as well as approve menus and assign locations. Jazz & Rib Fest reserves the right to require the modification or removal of any vendor display, signage, flags, products or merchandise that, in its opinion, is not in character with the event or does not comply with health, safety and fire codes. The decisions of Jazz & Rib Fest are final.
What We Provide
Included in your vending fee is booth space:
- access to electric, water and dumpsters;
- recycling and composting services;
- wastewater containers;
- grease, ash/charcoal barrels;
- site/overnight security;
- parking for support vehicles; and
- access to onsite supplier with meats, packaged foods, and dry goods.
Section 1: Food Vending Information
Vendor Type
The Jazz & Rib Fest will consider the following types of vending operations. When applying, please select the concession type that best describes your operation.
Concession Trailer or Food Truck: Concession Trailers and Food Trucks are fully self-contained units with mechanical refrigeration, a complete plumbing system including a hot water tank, and plenty of storage space for multiple day events. These are generally considered “restaurants on wheels.”
Knockdown Concession: A Knockdown Concession consists of a tent and tables which is built up and knocked down at each event.
BBQ Pit/Mobile Cooker Concession: A BBQ Pit/Mobile Cooker Concession is a cooking unit that is mounted to the frame of the concession. The BBQ Pit/Mobile Cooker concessions will include all the infrastructure of a Food Truck, Concession Trailer or Knockdown. An auxiliary trailer(s), food truck and/or knockdown concession may be required to accommodate the infrastructure needs of the concession operation.
Food Vending Rules
- Signage – Vendors are responsible for providing signage identifying their booth, food items, and prices. Signage must be clean, attractive and properly installed for safety and able to withstand high winds and other weather conditions. When planning signage, consider size of space purchased and speed of installation. Do NOT block the street during set-up – a 20’ fire lane must be maintained at all times. Signage must all fit within space purchased and anchoring cables, ropes, etc. may not extend beyond the front of your booth. No signage can be tied to tent barrels. Vendor must provide own weighted anchoring system for signage. Nothing may be tied to trees, light poles or traffic signs. Event Management reserves the right to require removal of any signage not meeting installation guidelines or considered to be unsafe or undesirable to the Event. No vendor shall display any form of political advertising.
- Branded Items – Items branded with commercial names other than the vendor’s own brand are prohibited. This includes, but not limited to branded items such as umbrellas, tents, signage, etc. (Example – NO beer branded umbrellas or soft drink branded tent, etc.) Event Management may make an exception for items branded with Event sponsor or participant brands on a case-by-case basis.
- Sampling/Coupons – Any food samples or coupons distributed by vendors must be distributed from the booth or directly in front of your booth.
- Souvenir Items – Event Management reserves the exclusive rights to sell all Event branded souvenirs. No vendors may use the Event mark or logo for any purpose without prior approval. Vendors may sell their own merchandise branded with the Vendor’s mark or logo.
Speed of Service
Vendors must do their best to keep customer lines reasonable. Vendors may not intentionally provide slow service to create lines at their booth.
PA Systems/Music
Music may be broadcast inside of booth space so long as the sound does not carry into the adjoining booth spaces or negatively impact the Event stage entertainment. All music must be family friendly. No live entertainment is allowed inside or outside booth space. Bullhorns and megaphones are not allowed and “Barking” is not permitted. Event Management reserves the right to adjust the volume level and/or placement of PA system in each booth space. Failure to comply will result elimination from future Events pending review by Event Management.
Objectionable Products, Material or Conduct
- Event Management takes pride in hosting a quality, safe, family event that disallows anything obscene, vulgar or distasteful from being offered for sale or put on display. Our family policy also includes zero tolerance for obscene, vulgar or distasteful actions from any vendors and their staff or volunteers.
- Any item that could be used as or considered a weapon, including but not limited to stun guns, cap guns, Tasers, mace, pepper spray, or similar items that are considered a defense item, or any items that simulate weapons are not allowed on the Event site.
- Selling or giving away stickers, smoke bombs, sparklers, canned string, laser pointers, roach clips, drug paraphernalia of any kind, offensive tee-shirts (sexually suggestive or explicit), or other items considered annoying or a nuisance are strictly prohibited.
Space Assignment
- Event Management reserves the right to make the final determination of all space assignments. There is no guarantee of vending location from year to year either stated or implied and no space shall be sublet.
- Vending Applications are not transferable without permission of the Event Management.
- All space is RENTABLE, including additional feet needed for trailers, side cooking, trailer hitches, signage, etc. Event Management will conduct a space audit. Any vendor using more footage than what they have purchased will be required to move their property into the allotted space or will be charged for the additional space.
Individual Portable Restrooms
Only Event Management is allowed to obtain and place portable restroom units at the Event site.
Food Vouchers
Event Management reserves the right to produce and distribute food vouchers to be redeemed at Vendor booths during the Event. Each voucher will have a set monetary value. All redeemed vouchers will be reimbursed to Vendors by Event Management at the end of the event.
Site Security
Event Management will provide overnight and crowd control security for the site. Event Management and producers of the Event do not assume any liability for vendor’s property.
Damages/ Clean-Up Fees
- Any damages to tents; generators; water lines; lawn, street and sidewalk areas adjacent to vending space; and all Event owned or leased equipment will be billed to vendor responsible for damage.
- There will be an automatic elimination from future Events pending review by Event Management for draining wastewater into booth space during event and washing equipment on-site.
At the close of the Event, remember to:
- Place pallets, garbage, or other debris from the vending site in appropriate steel dumpsters located in Event support areas. Do not leave these items in your booth space, in the street or next to trash containers or dumpsters.
- Clean all areas within booth space and sweep your vending site. Pressure washing of grills on Event site is not permitted.
- Damage to any grass, landscaping, etc. will be billed to vendor responsible for damage. Failure to pay any assessed fines will result in loss of participation in future events.
Event Management reserves the right to determine the clean-up appropriateness of a site. No food preparation is allowed on brick sidewalks. Nothing may be placed on or dumped onto any grass areas. You will be charged for any damages or labor expenses associated with clean up provided by Event Management and/or the City of Columbus. Final inspection of a site’s cleanliness will take place on Sunday night and Monday morning, after the completion of Event. Failure to pay any assessed fines will result in loss of participation in future events.
Section 2: Vendor Fees
- Payment in full is due 60 days prior to the start of event.
- Vendor fees are non-refundable except upon cancellation of the entire Event by Event Management (Columbus Recreation and Parks Department) prior to Event opening. Due to the up-front operational costs for producing the Event, no refunds will be given if Event is canceled after it opens due to weather or other events beyond the control of Event Management.
- There are no rain dates for the Event and no refunds due to weather conditions.
Fee Schedule
Section 3: Set-Up, Operating Hours and Teardown
Designated set-up instructions, site access passes and load-in times will be determined once City of Columbus permits the street closure. Everyone will have adequate time to set up their vending operations in time for the inspections by Columbus Public Health and Division of Fire.
Vendor Load-In
Thursday, July 17, 2025, Time TBA
Vendor Operating Hours
- Friday, July 18, 2025, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
- Saturday, July 19, 2025, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
- Sunday, July 20, 2025, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Immediately following the close of the Event, vendors must remove signs, equipment, decorations, tape, etc. from tents. All rented tents, tent lighting and electrical equipment will be removed by the appropriate contractors. BBQ teams should dismantle and remove banners first, to keep a lane of street open for others.
All vending equipment, including food trucks and concession trailers, must remain in the designated booth location from load-in on Thursday through the end of the event on Sunday. Vendors must wait until the streets are clear of pedestrians before driving any support vehicles within the site to teardown.
Section 4: Insurance Requirements
- Each vendor will be required to maintain a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy covering bodily injury and property damage as well as agree to indemnify and hold the City of Columbus, its officials, employees, agents, and sponsors harmless from and against any and all suits, claims, demands, costs, damages, counsel fees, charges, liabilities, and expenses which may at any time be sustained by consequences of any act or negligence of the vendor’s business, its employees, agents, or volunteers.
- The City of Columbus, Office of Special Events, 1111 E. Broad Street, Suite 103, Columbus, Ohio 43205 shall be named as additional insured on such policy, valid Thursday through Monday of the event, at minimum.
- Insurance policy verification, including the City of Columbus, must be submitted 30 days prior to the start of event.
- Vendors must provide proof of insurance before they will be permitted on-site at the Event.
Section 5: Licenses and Permits
Vendors are required to obtain all licenses and permits as required by law. A description of the licenses/permits, the procedure for obtaining each license/permit, the name of the issuing office, and the application costs are outlined below.
Health Licenses
- A Temporary Food Service License is required for all food vendors not issued an annual mobile food vendor license from a board of health in the state of Ohio.
- NEW AS OF 2024: Vendors operating under a Mobile Food Vendor (MFV) License must also obtain a Temporary Food Service License for cooking operations happening outside of the vehicle covered by the MFV License. (e.g. external grill).
- Food vendors operating under a Temporary Food Service License must submit their application to Columbus Public Health 30 prior to the start of event. No Temporary Food Service License applications will be accepted on-site.
- Temporary Food Service Licenses must start on the first day onsite food preparations begin.
- All food vendors will be inspected by Columbus Public Health. Beginning at 9:00 am on Friday, July 18, a Columbus Public Health representative will inspect all booths for proper washing facilities, proper sanitation, food temperatures, flooring, and other health department regulations. Licenses will be issued to each vendor on-site once Health Inspectors have determined that the vending operation meets city regulations. Your license must be displayed at your vending site throughout the entire Event.
- Food concessionaires may not sell food to public until they have been inspected by the Health Inspector.
- Columbus Public Health will make periodic checks of the vending area throughout the Event to be sure you are operating your booth according to city regulations. If violations are found, they will close your food operation until you comply with health standards.
- Food vendors cited for health code violations by Columbus Public Health during the Event will be ineligible for participation in future Events pending review by Event Management.
Steps for obtaining a Temporary Food Service License
Complete the City of Columbus Public Health Temporary Food Service License Application, include a check for $60 per day payable to Columbus City Treasurer and submit a drawing of your booth set-up (cooking, food preparation and serving areas).
Send application and payment by 30 days prior to the start of event to:
Columbus Public Health
Environmental Health License Program
240 Parsons Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Food Security at Events
Food vendors should be aware of the actions in and around all temporary food operations. To prevent food contamination Columbus Public Health makes the following recommendations for securing your Event site:
- Restrict the access of non-employees to the food operation.
- Monitor the arrival of deliveries and restrict the times deliveries can be made.
- Create barriers between temporary food operations and the public.
- Train, monitor and supervise employees/volunteers on security procedures.
- Lock food storage areas and make sure they are in areas that are well lit.
- Limit public access to Event water supply and electrical connections.
For questions related to mobile food service operations in the City of Columbus please contact:
Columbus Public Health
Environmental Health License Program
Tim Basak
240 Parsons Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 645-6741
Fire Permits/Licenses
- Mobile Food Vendors (MFV) OPERATING IN the City of Columbus are required to acquire and maintain a City of Columbus MFV License.
- Non-Columbus licensed Mobile Food Vendors VISITING the City of Columbus are only allowed to operate at “city sanctioned” Special Events or Festivals and are required to meet the State of Ohio Fire Code regarding MFV operations and are required to pass a Division of Fire safety inspection (at the event site) prior to the event before being permitted to operate.
- The Division of Fire will conduct an inspection each day of the Event and issue permits to each person operating in a temporary structure or using propane. During the inspection all tents, cooking equipment, appliances and compressed/flammable gas tanks will be checked for compliance with standards of City Code 2501.23 and NFPA #58.
- Inspections will begin at 9:00 am on Friday, July 18. All vendors must have propane tanks on hand and be ready to operate to be inspected.
- Food vendors cited for fire code violations by Columbus Division of Fire during the Event will be ineligible for participation in future Events pending review by Event Management.
Propane Pressure Leak Test (PPLT)
- ALL vendors using propane are required to have documentation certifying a PPLT has been performed and passed. This test must be administered by a certified propane technician within the last 12 months. Documentation for the PPLT must be displayed at your vending site throughout the entire Event.
- This test is to be completed PRIOR to the Event and must be performed by a Licensed Propane Technician or Licensed Plumber (State Certification/License# will need to be provided in paperwork).
- ALL vendors using propane must confirm status of PPLT or provide a copy of the PPLT documentation, if available, to Event Management by 30 days prior to the start of event.
Please note the following Division of Fire regulations
Food concessionaires may not prepare food until they have been inspected by City Fire Inspectors.
- A new or recharged 40BC rated fire extinguisher must be available at each cooking location. Additionally, a Class K extinguisher is required for vendors cooking with vegetable or animal oils or fat.
- No open-flame or “deep fry” cooking will be allowed under a tent or canopy. Such cooking must occur under a metal awning.
- All (liquefied petroleum gas) LPG tanks must be secured by a steel chain or cable.
- All LPG tanks must have a safety ring on them while in use, and a safety cap when they are not in use.
- LPG tanks with an expired requalification date shall not be refilled or used until requalified in accordance with DOT regulations.
- Hoses connected to LPG tanks must be marked “LP GAS PROPANE, 350PSI WORKING PRESSURE”.
- Charcoal grills may not be used under a tent or canopy and all ashes must be disposed of in a metal container. At least 5 gallons of water must be kept next to the grill during cooking.
If you have questions about your equipment’s ability to pass inspection please contact:
City of Columbus, Division of Fire
3639 Parsons Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43207-4054
Attention: Public Assembly Inspections Office
(614) 645-7641/ Fax: (614) 645-4245
Section 6: Equipment & Parking
Site Access, Parking, & Support Vehicles
- Vendors will be issued parking permit(s) for vendor support vehicles to park in designated parking near the festival grounds. This is usually on a nearby street at reserved meters. There is no cost to the vendor, the festival provides this space as a courtesy. Trailers are considered an additional vehicle. All parking offered by the festival is intended for vendor support vehicles.
- On-site vehicle access is allowed early morning until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 18, Saturday, July 19 and Sunday, July 20. No vehicles are allowed after 10:00 a.m. and restocking of booths during Event hours must be done by hand dolly. Site access will be available after the Event closes each day and Division of Police will determine vehicle access times.
- No parking will be provided for vendor staff.
During set-up and teardown, all vehicles must be stopped/parked to allow a clear vehicular path. No vehicles are allowed on the Event site during Event hours. All unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Section 7: Tents
Vendor Provided Tents
If you provide your own tent, you must provide your own weights to secure the tent (NO STAKING).
- 40lbs per tent leg is recommended for 10’x10’ tents.
- 80lbs per tent leg is recommended for tents larger than 10’x10’.
- Tents will be inspected by Columbus Fire and Building Inspectors and must have the flame-retardant tag attached in order to open for business.
- Tent Lighting – If you provide your own tent you must also provide your own lighting. Lighting must be equipped with standard 110v grounded Edison type plug and adequate cord length to reach Event electric service locations. No exposed light bulbs permitted.
Event Provided Tents
If renting a tent through the Event, your tent will include tent lighting, water barrels, and 20 amps for the tent lights ONLY. (This electricity may not be used for any other item.) All tents secured through the Event are rented on your behalf by Event Management and will remain on-site throughout the Event. Participants will be held responsible for any and all damage to the tent.
- Tables/Chairs – If you require tables and chairs at your vending site, you must provide them.
Section 8: Electric
Electrical Services
- Generators are not permitted
- An electric source will be provided within 100 feet of all vendor locations.
- Vendors are responsible for providing all necessary electrical cables and
- If you need assistance determining electrical needs for your operation or need 3 Phase Electric, please contact Springfield ACME Electric Company: 1-800-841-4214.
In order to have electrical equipment energized participating vendors must meet the following requirements outlined in the National Electric Code (NEC). Springfield ACME Electric has been contracted to provide power distribution for the event and will only furnish power to vendors that are in compliance. If you have questions about the level of service your operation will require contact Springfield ACME Electric: Aaron McCurdy 1-800-841-4214; FAX: 937/325-5534
- An electric source will be provided within 100 ft. of all vendor locations.
- All 220-volt requirements MUST be prearranged one week prior to the event (1-800-841-4214). Any vendor requiring 220 must have at least 100 ft. of properly sized grounded cable.
- Vendors must supply their own grounded extension cords for every 2000 watts consumed – 1 extension cord for each major appliance. Be prepared with several extension cords if you are bringing several appliances.
- Extension cords should be at least #12/2 gauge wire with ground rated for 120 volts. Each cord must have ground fault circuit interrupter protection (GFCI). Cord connections cannot lie on the ground. Power strips or multi-outlet strips may NOT be used for food/cooking environment; these strips are not designed for heat resistant loads. Each vendor is responsible for the GFCI to protect each piece of equipment.
- All temporary lighting must have a fixture or guard that will protect it from accidental breakage. Quartz lighting cannot be left on overnight at any vending site.
- Any operations, which require on-site grounding, will have ground rods driven and grounding conductors terminated by the vendors involved.
- Vendors with defective panels or electrical equipment will be denied power connections to ACME Electric’s distribution system until the deficiencies are corrected.
ACME Electric has been hired by Event Management to provide power distribution services and is not responsible for repairing vendor’s defective equipment. ACME Electric is also not liable for any fluctuations in voltage in the power it receives from the Columbus Division of Power.
Springfield ACME Electric Company does NOT hardwire electric or provide plugs to vendors on-site.
ACME’s standard equipment utilizes these plugs: Nema #14-50 and Nema #L21-30P and vendors must provide appropriate plugs to connect. If you have these plugs you may connect to their equipment at any time. ACME’s equipment also contains female “mini-cam” connections which provide up to 100 Amps of power. Vendors may supply their own tales or, “mini-cam” connectors can be ordered from ACME prior to the festival.
Additional Electrical outlets:
- 20 Amp 120 volt single-phase receptacle (up to 2000 watts)
- 30 Amp 120/208 volt hook up *(NEMA #L21-30P) Manufactured by Hubbell, part # HBL2811, HBL2811CN, HBL2815
- 50 Amp 120/208 volt hook up *(NEMA #14-50P) Manufactured by Hubbell, part # HBL9451c, HBL9452c
- 100 Amp 120/208 volt hook up *(15 series Leviton single pin connectors) – Also known as “mini cams” *Catalog # Green 15D21-G, White 15D21-W, Black 15D21-E, Red 15D21R – Electrician will NOT assemble on site.
For more information contact:
Springfield ACME Electric – Aaron McCurdy, 1-800-841-4214, FAX: 937/325-5534
Section 9: Propane
Vendors needing propane must order directly from a propane supplier.
Local supplier and Certified Propane Technician for PPLT:
Nimco Propane (formerly Selby Gas)
Section 10: Ice
Ice will not be available on-site. Vendors are responsible for providing all necessary ice.
Section 11: Water Service
Event Management will provide water service; however, each booth must have a FOOD GRADE QUALITY HOSE (usually a white hose with a blue stripe) as regulated by Columbus Public Health. These hoses are available at restaurant supply stores and some local hardware stores. NO GARDEN HOSES WILL BE PERMITTED. Please come prepared for hook-ups with washers, Y connectors, and at least 50’ of hose. Do not drive over piping or hoses. Any damages occurring to temporary water lines (yellow pipe) will be billed to vendor responsible for damage. Failure to pay any assessed fines will result in loss of participation in future events.
Section 12: Waste Management
Wastewater Disposal
- A holding tank for disposal of wastewater will be within 100 ft. of all vendors; however, you are responsible for capturing all wastewater at your site and collecting it in the holding tank. To permit pumping of full tanks during the Event, vendors must not block tanks. Wastewater CANNOT be dumped into the sewer grates, or into grease and ash containers. Failure to properly dispose of wastewater may result in elimination from future Events pending review by Event Management.
- Event wastewater holding tanks are for your food operation only; RV units must be dumped off-site. Upon request, Event Management will assist you in identifying waste water disposal tanks. Because Event wastewater holding tanks are dumped in the early morning hours, vendors need to dump all food wastewater at the close of business each day.
Grease/Charcoal Ash Disposal
- Separate grease and ash disposal containers will be supplied; however you are responsible for transporting grease and ash from your booth to the designated containers. Grease and ash CANNOT be dumped into sewer grates, dumpsters, tent water barrels, or any other container other than grease and ash containers.
- If you need additional containers, please let the Vendor Coordinator know. Do not use the grease and ash containers for anything else. Failure to properly dispose of grease or ash may result in elimination from future Events pending review by Event Management.
Trash/Recycling/Compost Removal
- Vendors must supply their own trash receptacles and bags for use at their booth. Booth area must remain clean and neat at all times. Do not allow trash to build up at your booth.
- All trash, temporary booth floor coverings and pallets must be transported to the dumpsters located in the support areas of the Event, including during set-up and tear-down. The 300 gallon green trash containers and 90 gallon rolling containers placed throughout the Event by Event Management are for the use of guests until close of Event on each night.
- Recycling and compost (food scraps) collection services will be offered directly from the vendor booths throughout the Event. Compost buckets will be provided. Breakdown all cardboard and neatly place all recyclables and compost in an area that’s easily accessible for collection.
Section 13: Menu
The following items will NOT be considered:
- Any and All Packaged Beverages
- Soft Drinks
- Bottled Water
- Sports Drinks
- Alcoholic Beverages
Specialty Beverages
Event Management may consider the sale of specialty beverages by vendors. This consideration may include additional fees to the vendor. The following items are considered specialty beverages:
- Lemonade
- Sweet Tea
- Coffee Based Drinks
- Boba Tea
- Smoothies
- Other items as defined by Event Management
Event Management has control over any and all food products sold or given away at Event. Vendors agree to abide by Event Management standards on reasonable portion sizes and prices. All menus will be checked on-site for compliance.
If there are questions about the eligibility of menu items, contact Event Management.
Event Management recommends minimizing menu offerings to maximize speed of service.